EPA Approves Liquid Insecticide Targeting Resistant Corn Rootworms

( FMC )
FMC Steward EC insecticide has gained EPA registration for use in field corn. State registrations for Steward EC insecticide for use on field corn are pending as this product is aiming to be a key tool in battling resistant Western corn rootworm (WCR) beetles. Steward EC effectively controls yield-robbing WCR beetles and other lepidopteran pests.
“Western corn rootworms are one of the most destructive corn pests in the United States, taking a substantial toll on yields and profits through silk clipping and ineffective management costs,” says Sally Feeley, insecticide product manager, FMC. “Steward EC insecticide is the missing link for resistant WCR beetle control, something that has eluded growers due to overreliance on existing products and Bt traits in corn-on-corn acres.”
Steward EC insecticide demonstrated effective WCR beetle control in field studies conducted across the Midwest from 2013 to 2016. Results show that Steward EC insecticide at 6 and 10 fluid ounces per acre provided 79% and 84% control of beetles, respectively. These evaluations were made from two to five days after treatment to 19 to 24 days after treatment.
Resistance has been reported in the previous three major insecticide classes used for WCR beetle control: organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids. The active ingredient in Steward EC insecticide, indoxacarb, is an integral part of an integrated pest management plan to manage WCR resistance as it has no known WCR resistance or decreased sensitivity. By working through ingestion and contact activity, Steward EC insecticide provides fast-acting protection within four hours of ingestion to prevent impact on yields from reduced pollination because of silk clipping.
Steward EC insecticide is easy to handle and apply and provides up to two weeks of residual control. Steward EC insecticide features a short re-entry interval of 12 hours and rapid dispersal in hard or soft water. Data has also shown that Steward EC insecticide is rainfast within two hours.