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What is digital revolution?

Digital revolution are the digital changes brought about in the computing and the communication technology field. Digital revolution is characterised by a rapid shift in the use of analogue and mechanical technology to the use of digital electronics, these changes have brought about very significant changes in the field of computing. Digital revolution is also characterised by the use of computers, cell phones and also the internet to improve the operations in various sectors of the economy. Digital revolution started in the second half of the 20th century and it is still in progress as widespread changes are still happening in the field of computing.

Digital revolution and agriculture

With a lot of advancements having been made in the field of computing since the onset of digital revolution in the last half of the 20th century, all these gains that have been made can be incorporated into the practise of agriculture so as to improve on the practise of agriculture and increase the yields from agriculture. Proper application of the technology in agriculture ensures that a farmer is able to analyse his or her farming situations from a point of information and also make decisions that are for the betterment of farm management and operations. Application of technology in farming enable a farmer to know areas of his or her that require a little more fertiliser, areas that require herbicide application due to high weeds prevalence, areas that require urgent irrigation among many other farm processes.

Ways in which digital revolution is transforming agriculture

  • Digital revolution has enabled the farmer to access information.

With the ever-increasing positive changes in the use of computers, cell phones and the internet, the spread of information around the world has been enhanced and facilitated. Farmers are therefore able to now access information relating to farming using their computers and cell phones. With this information, the farmers can now revolutionise and take their farming practices to the next level. With access to information, farmers can now easily get the weather forecast reports and also the weather analysis charts that can be very instrumental in their decision on which crops to be planted at what time. Apart from the weather forecast and weather pattern reports, farmers are also able to access agronomic reports relating to their areas and with this reports the farmers will be able to know which type of crops are suitable to be planted in their regions.

Weather forecast reports and agronomic reports, reports that can now be easily accessed by farmers all around the world aid in enabling a farmer to determine the type of crop that is suitable for planting in their areas of residence.

With the aid of digital revolution, farmers are also able to access market reports relating to agricultural products. From these market reports a farmer is able to compare the various market prices that are available for his or her crops apart from the price levels, the market reports also enable a farmer to see the terms of payment of the various buyers in the market. A farmer is therefore able to get the best price and also the best terms of sale all these facilitated by the ability of the farmer to leverage the benefits related to digital revolution for their benefit in the farm.

  • Digital revolution has enable farmers to unionise themselves

With the aid of mobile phones, computers and the internet, the farmer are now able to organise themselves into unions and bargaining groups that are meant to negotiate and get favourable marketing deals for the products of the farmers. By leveraging on digital revolution these unions and bargaining groups are now able to bring together farmers, collect their produce, establish contacts with different prospective buyers and the negotiating to get the best deal for the farmers. This practise has safeguarded farmers from unscrupulous buyers who exploit farmers by buying their products at very low prices.

  • Digital revolution has enhanced farming scientific research and education

With advancement in the transfer of information from one point to another, governments, non-governmental organisation, agricultural societies among many other organisations can now engage in agricultural research in a bid to solve the various problems that are facing the field of agriculture. These researches have led to the discovery of many breakthrough discoveries that have revolutionised the field of agriculture. Issues related to animal and plant diseases have been sufficiently researched on, and any other disease affecting plants and animals that have a potential of reducing the yield are being put on research.

Other aspects related to research including but not limited to optimal seeding and plant protection have also been researched on and this has greatly impacted on the success of agriculture. The success of these researches has also greatly catapulted agriculture as a field of study to greater heights. In most institutions of higher learning, research associated with agriculture take up most of the research funds and this is a pointer to the good tidings of agriculture.

The role of the farmer in the era of digital revolution.

The incorporation of digital revolution in agriculture will result in automation in almost all sectors of agriculture. This will therefore mean that the manual work that was previously done by the farmer will be replaced by technology and the farmer will be left with the task of controlling and regulating the systems.

With this shift ion farming from a manual field to an automated field the farmer will no doubt be forced to chart a new path of what will be expected of him or her. This new path will most probably involve the farmer taking up the role of a researcher and a problem solver. As time goes by, new challenges, new diseases and new complexities relating to the farm will arise and the farmer will be required to take up the role of trying to solve these complexities.


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